November 2021 - The Birth Partner Project

The project was started initially based on evidence that a number of asylum-seeking women were being moved to Cardiff late in their pregnancy. These women had no network of friends or family to support them during the later stages of pregnancy, the birth and early post-natal period; a time when women may ordinarily feel anxious and emotional.  Feeling unsupported could make the experience even more stressful than it needs to be, potentially affecting birth outcomes, especially in terms of maternal mental health.

Their mission at The Birth Partner Project is not restricted to asylum-seeking women and TBPP aims to provide support to any woman who does not have a local support network, does not have the resources to pay for a Doula or other support, and would like a birth partner. When labour begins, we provide 24-support using a rota system to ensure that the woman has someone with her at all times. After birth, our volunteers continue to meet with mum and baby for a further 8 weeks to offer additional support and make sure they have everything they need. Since the start of the project in 2016, we have supported 75 women.

TBPP volunteers are DBS checked, trained in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and also in support skills for birth and the postnatal period.  Volunteers work collaboratively with women and the maternity services to improve experiences and well-being among service users.

For more information on TBPP, their volunteers or the services provided, contact them through their website for further information.

To raise money for The Birth Partner Project our additions to our menu for November include -

Pizza - Olives, Capers and Sun Dried Tomatoes (available vegan on request by swapping to vegan cheese)

Cocktail - Rum, Aperol and Pineapple Juice with a fiery surprise!

Bea Young

Bea has been with us at Hoogah since 2019, bringing her flare for photography and sharing stories along the journey. A lover of travel and experiencing different cultures, you’ll see her tapping away on her laptop, if she’s not behind the coffee machine or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

January 2022 - Barod


October 2021 - Unreal